4 year old daughter has hard lump on neck. Has anyone else gone through this?


I’m looking for abit of advice or experience from others. My 4 year old daughter has a hard pea sized very noticeable lump on her neck. The lump is on her lower neck near her collarbone, it’s not painful and she’s healthy. Went to the GP and she said it’s a lymph node but because there’s a hard bit ( feels like a stone ) she wasn’t sure. We are now waiting on for a ultrasound next week (she made the appointment as a emergency) 

has anyone gone through this before or going through this the now? If so will the person doing the scan tell you about the results?
thanks for reading . 

  • Welcome to the forum Adele although I'm sorry to hear about the lump on your daughter's neck.

    I know this must be a very stressful and worrying time but it's good to hear she'll be having her ultrasound this week. We'll be thinking of you both and will have our fingers crossed the lump isn't any cause for concern.

    Quite a lot of our members have been referred for lumps on their necks, so hopefully some of them will stop to share their experiences and advice. If you'd like to discuss any of this further with one of our nurses in the meantime, their helpline is open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. If you give them a call on 0808 800 4040, they will do all they can to answer your questions and support you during this anxious time.

    Best wishes to you both,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you Steph for your reply.

    Daughter was brave getting her ultrasound but unfortunately they didn’t scan the right part either that the lump didn’t show up on the scan.  Went to GP again for a second opinion he doesn’t think it’s got anything to do with a lymph node but think it’s sternocleidomastoid tumour ( non cancer ) he’s taken pictures and sent them away. She’s now getting an emergency appointment to see ENT. Hopefully they can give some answers as the lump has gotten bigger since the doctor was touching it. I’ll wb once we have seen the ENT. 
    take care