Recurrence and Referral Times

In mid-2018 I was treated (laser excision, no neck dissection) for tongue cancer. After standard 5 year monitoring I was discharged back to GP in Aug 2023.

I now have symptoms worryingly similar to 2018. Because discharged I have to see GP (tomorrow) in order to be referred back to specialists. 

Is there a target time in which I should be seen? Is that for recurrence different from a new case? Should I shorten process by going private?

Having been similarly treated/discharged for prostate cancer during 2020-23 this is becoming tedious! The thought of oral/neck cancer is particularly frightening.

Any info on target "waiting times" gratefully received.

Thanks, Dave 

  • Follow up. Saw GP today.

    Outcome "2WW" referral (altho GP said now "USC"!)

    I don't understand some of the abbreviations  -  can anyone decipher OE (on examination?) and "Imp: Need to exclude NG"?

    Patient record says:

    "<span;>OE Well. No palpable cervical masses. Tongue shows deformity at R base of tongue from previous surgery. Diffuse white patch at this area. Tender to light palpation. No palpable masses.
    <span;>Imp: Need to exclude NG.
    <span;>2ww referral.
    <span;>Safety netted."

    Thanks, Dave 

  • Hey Dave, I'm glad to see you've got some clarity on what type of referral your GP has put you down for.

    You can find out more about your suspected cancer referral, as well as possible waiting times, on our website. I'm not sure if it addresses how waiting times may be differ when dealing with a possible cancer recurrence but if you get in touch with one of our cancer nurses on 0808 800 4040, they should be able to help. They're available Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m and they will do all that they can to answer your questions.

    Unfortunately no-one here will be able to tell you what the abbreviations on your patient record mean, only your GP can, so if you're worried maybe you could see if it's possible to have a quick chat with them at some point so they explain this to you. They'll be able to address any other queries or concerns you have about this as well.

    Our members know how scary this time can be dj48, so hopefully you will receive some support and advice from them soon.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thanks, Steph. Referral was despatched today. It is available on my Patient Record, BUT unlike all other attachments in the past in a format that I cannot "open"!

    I'll chase this and abbreviations when I can actually get through on phone!

    Thanks again, Dave 

  • Offline in reply to dj48


    Eventually figured out how to view all the paperwork on GP and NHS records. Because of the haphazard digitalisation of GP records over last 20 years these are far from 100% complete on what is sent to hospital!

    Quite amused by the EPOG Categorisation of severity of cancer impact on quality of life - no.5 is "Dead"!

    I digress. Original Q was re waiting times. Guess lucky here (Nottingham), following 2WW referral I have an appt at Maxiofacial on 4 Feb, precisely 2 weeks after it was triggered.

    Fair chance of an early intervention, which is always the key to survival.

    Here we go again.......


  • Offline in reply to dj48


    2WW target met this a.m.  Initial view not cancer, but as "we've been looking after you so long, a biopsy safest.....can you wait an hour or so and we'll do it now?" Oh yes!

     Consultation AND biopsy done by 11.30 exactly 14 days after referral from GP.

    As good a service as one could possibly expect.