Hi, just posting in the hope of some piece of mind…
about 12-18 months ago I noticed my right tonsil is around 2x the size of the other. In the past I’ve been known to jump to worst case scenario and tie myself in knots for it to be nothing, so I just assumed it was nothing and haven’t thought too much about it. But have occasionally looked in my throat and it hasn’t changed in that time. A week ago I fell sick and asked my partner to look in my throat, he pointed out my enlarged tonsil and told me he didn’t think it was right. I then made the mistake of googling and am now deeply concerned…. I went to the doctor a few days ago who has asked me to go back in 1.5 weeks to see if they change…. Which I know they won’t.
I’m about the turn 25 but have a strong family history of different cancers (lost my dad, grandma, and aunt in the past 10 years).
I can’t find ANY other diagnosis online other than Tonsil cancer…. Has anyone had similar experience??