Pre-Diagnosis - how long have you had to wait for your colonoscopy results?

Hi, I'm just wondering what time scale other people have been given for Colonoscopy results..

Had mine on 17th Dec with pics and biopsies taken.. being told 18-20 weeks for the result to be available..

Ongoing symptoms since Dec 2024.. GP questioned whether my 'asthma symptoms ' are in fact bowel cancer related...trying to remain positive and accept there is nothing I can do but...

  • I'm sorry to hear you may be waiting 18 - 20 weeks for your colonoscopy results. 

    That must be incredibly frustrating, but we're here for you Eastendgirl and we will do all that we can to make this time more bearable.

    I'm sure some of our members will share their time scales with you soon but if you'd like to discuss this further with one of our cancer nurses, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    We're sending you all our support Eastendgirl and will have our fingers crossed the results manage to come through sooner than expected.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Sincere thanks for your reply Steph ...I  have contacted my G.P and secretary to the Colorectal Consultant in the hope of earlier results but...

    This situation has been ongoing December 2023 with several 'issues' along the way.. referral missed, colonoscopy booked in June 2024and cancelled [ by me due to still being in bathroom 30 mins before appt]  further appt not made  ..I chased it up numerous times.. it was following my asthma check that the nurse spoke with GP re my breathlessness.. 5th qFIT test and colonoscopy booked for December 2024

    6 biopsies and photos taken.. was told afterwards the [2nd]  referral should have been  USOC  for 2ww result..

    Trying to remain positive ️