Hi everyone
I'm new and really looking to see if anyone else is in a similar situation as me. I'd love to hear some advice and supporting words (if possible!)
I'm 29 and I've been having heavy bleeding non stop for a long time. Initially it was just irregular light bleeding and I went to my GP (after almost some months or so), I was told to just "see how it goes" so I went home and tried forgetting about it.
Fast forward a bit more and the bleeding began to get heavier. I went back to the GP (there was a lot of back and forth). The GP told me "this might be something you might just need to deal with for the rest of your life". Ofcourse that wasn't reassuring at all.
After some more time I went back again to the GP (this time someone new) and she told me I need to have it investigated further. I went and had a pelvic transvaginal/ultrasound examination. The results of this led to a urgent 2 week wait endometrial cancer referral. (My endometrial lining was too thick I think)
I was given a hysteroscopy appointment at the outpatients and after speaking to people who had it done previously and some research on the procedure I decided to request to have it done under General Anaesthesia. (Predominantly due to the pain I already have- cramps etc)
Since i requested this I was told I'd be taken off the 2ww and would need to wait 6-9 months for an appointment to come available. I spoke to a consultant who told me I am "too young to have cancer". There has been a lot of miscommunication between the hospital and my GP e.g. I've had to have a cervical examination repeatedly because of a miscommunication and as many of you will know it's not a pleasant experience.
anyways, currently I have been bleeding constantly and it has completely taken over my life. If I go for a walk, I come home and I'm bleeding more. Simple things like going out to see my friends is almost impossible now. I am always tired due to low iron.
although i have friends and family around me (forever grateful for them), I feel let down by the service. I know they are under a lot of pressure but I wish there was more communication about what I can do.
Since I don't have much experience of going to the GP, contacting hospitals etc I don't know what I can ask. I have always felt bad for contacting them and felt like I was wasting their time. But things are really hard now.
Although I know it will be painful I'm even considering having the hysteroscopy in outpatients just so I can rule out cancer. But this is a really scary time for me.
Have you or someone you know been through something like this? Is there anything I can do? Someone I can contact?
Thank you for reading all of this.