Hi, I'm 32 and, over Christmas, I found a pea-sized lump in an awkwardly hidden part of my pretty large left breast. Waited for my period to come before I got it checked in case it was a normal menstrual lump (I don't usually get them, but we all know what the GPs would say if I didn't confirm that). Got examined by the GP at the start of the month, and while she thinks it's likely a ligament or some other normal lumpy thing, I have been referred to the breast clinic, which is in 10 days from now. I was told to let them know if anything changes in the mean time - other symptoms like skin changes, nipple discharge, or pain etc. I've been trying to check every few days and not obsess, which is getting harder day by day because this lump feels so solid and unlike any other squishy breast lump that turned out to be nothing, so I'm lowkey getting worked up over what I fear may be a positive scan in less than 2 weeks.
Anyway, small vent over, the reason I'm here now is that in the last couple of days I've felt twinges of pain in the same breast. Right nipple felt weird yesterday, but otherwise it's all been in the left breast, in the fatty, fleshy part kind of under/behind the nipple, not far from the lump. It feels like pre-menstrual pain that I'd get when they're swollen and sore (but that shouldn't happen for another 2 weeks or so), and I can't replicate the pain when poking and prodding, it just happens randomly as I move about. Can anyone explain what pain caused by cancer usually feels like? Is it similar to cyclical breast pain? I've also got costochondritis so my entire breast/chest area often just hurts for no real reason, so if I could get more of an idea of whether I should be looking out for a new type of pain, or be reasonably concerned about this pain?
Thanks in advance