Light spotting sometimes after sex, any advice?

Hi guys,

I know my problem is probably nothing compared to what people are going through, I was just looking to see if others were experiencing the same issue as me and what their outcome was after their smear test etc. 

So since I was about 21 I have experienced on and off post sex spotting not bleeding, it only happens sometimes and is very light pink. Everytime it happened for long enough I got examined by my GP and had vaginal swabs done which would come back with thrush,  forward to now, I have not had sex for the past 7 months since the split from my partner, however a month ago I experienced light spotting after orgasm which freaked me out, I went back to my GP for an examination, as barring this i don’t experience any other symptoms like bleeding between periods or heavy periods etc. My cervix looked red upon examination and I also had grey discharge, this also came back as thrush/ yeast infection. The spotting didn’t happen again after orgasm but it is still freaking me out.

I used to have pretty bad PMS symptoms however the past 7/8 months I have started the gym and lost around 8kg which has resulted in less painful/ heavy periods and my periods are pretty regular now. 

I have a smear test due as i just turned 25 in November. I am genuinely scared to go, as I’m worried something sinister is going on, and I have had unprotected sex in the past with multiple partners although have had no STD’s but I know HPV is not something detectable in a swab, any thoughts/ anyone who has experienced similar?

  • Hello Sophasdf

    I'm sorry to hear that you've had some ongoing health concerns. I can understand that you have lots of questions and concerns about your symptoms. 

    It's good to hear that you've already seen your GP and that some initial investigations have been carried out. Do make sure that you attend your cervical screening test. We have some information on our website about cervical screening and it may reassure you to know that it is primarily a test for a virus called human papillomavirus (HPV). 

    Keep liaising with your GP about these symptoms and the recurrent thrush infection that you've been dealing with. It may be that they want to try a different treatment regime to get a handle on this for you and improve your cervical health or it may be that they decide to refer you to the gynaecology team for further testing. 

    I do hope that you have some answers and reassurance soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator