Waiting Uterine biopsy results


I was wondering if anyone could tell me their experience and symtoms,please. I had one episode of extreme pain during my period to the point I felt I was going to faint, dizzy, felt cold etc. Then a month or so later I had one again extremely heavy flow with huge blood clots. I had to change my trousers three times in one hour a pad was useless and the blood just poured. It was very frightening.  

Before all this I have been peeing blood almost every month for 1 or 2 days over a period of a year and half and doctors are convinced it's not coming from the same area. I have had multiple urology tests all normal.  

I then had an ultrasound that came back with a thickening of the uterine lining and a biopsy was taking the following week, doctor said she suspects cancer but then told me my uterus looked good? I've been waiting 2 and half weeks now on results. 

I am 41 and my experience with cancer has not been good. My older brother passed away from lung cancer at 29.  

I would like people to be direct with me and I feel that everyone sugar coats things. I would like to know if someone that has been diagnosed had any of my symptoms and please don't worry about me worrying. As I am feeling like no one understands and just brushes my concerns off.  

I feel otherwise healthy just fatigued some times but I think that's just life in general.  

I know that people can't tell me if I have cancer but I would like some insight into others experience.  I would be grateful for some honest responses. Thank you  

  • Hi Etma, I had the exact same thing 10 days ago, I’m waiting for my results. . Did you receive a letter telling you what they did at the hospital. I’m 59. And I to feel that nobody understand’s what we are going through. Thinking of you. B x

  • Offline in reply to Francess

    Hi B, No letter. Did you get one?   I think this is part of my problem.  I answered a few questions at the hospital then they told me there was a thickening on the lining and  that they were going to take a biopsy.  I would of liked more explained to me.  For example... how thick it was etc. She told me that when cancer is suspected it is red flagged and usually hear back within 2 weeks but will definitely hear within 4. It's been driving me mad! Did you also have the same symptoms?  People don't understand at all and I hate this waiting! x

  • Offline in reply to Etma

    Yes, I had a letter that was sent to me and my GP explaining what they did and why.( biopsy) I received it 1 week after, however I’ve not received my results yet. Also the lady who did my biopsy showed me what she got out in the pot. Because I’ve seen all the bits in the pot I feel even more stressed. Also I’ve bleed again since then, I don’t know if you have to report every time this happens, I’ll let you know when I get my results and if you feel down like me just post to me and we can chat if you like. B x

  • Offline in reply to Etma

    Not sure you got my text as I’m usules with technology