Breast infection

Went to doctors and said I had a breast infection. Doctors only gave me a 5 days worth of antibiotics which didn’t clear it up. Had a lump in armpit too which is still there. 
went to doctors she felt it and didn’t seem bothered. My anxiety has gone through the roof lately. Doctor has referred me now to breast clinic. 
had this for nearly 4 weeks now. 
breasts for all lumpy and I’m panicking probably my anxiety. 

  • I am glad they have referred you. For me, I'm also now on a referral, but it took the infection returning 4 months later to trigger it. I also had the antibiotics the first time, and was told it should be a one off.  I can very much empathise with your situation. I keep telling myself that getting worried about what is to come is only borrowing trouble that I'll have to face anyway, but all that seems to do is make me feel guilty on top of feeling anxious.  I wish I tell you something that would reduce your anxiety, but all I can do is try to say, I'm hearing you, and have similar feelings and am in a similar situation - and I hope that helps you feel and you aren't alone.

    I have found thinking about the scans themselves to be helpful, talking through a helpline what is likely to happen at the clinic, how long it might take, basically having more of an idea in my head about what is happening next, and focusing on the practicalities of that, which has helped me think a bit less about what the results may be further in the future.  Oh, and planning to purchase my favourite type of cake and sit down and eat it  with a proper brew when I get back from the clinic as a reward to myself for getting through that far. I think on the morning or the night before, to keep me calmer, I'm going to set up the tea pot and cups on a tray ready, keep my thoughts focused on that. 

  • Offline in reply to octo

    I didn’t think 5 days was enough as the infection is still there like the marks etc. 

    I got told I have naturally lumpier breasts anyway. Do you have a scan/check date through? 
    I hope we are both ok and it is best to get them checked. 

  • Offline in reply to Sas11

    I had a notification on the NHS app of a clinic date and time (this coming week) within 24 hrs of seeing the GP, but I've not had anything else.  The GP told me which hospital, so I know where to go and when, but very little else. I think on Monday I'll try contacting the hospital direct.  I may need some access adjustments.  I find hospitals very bright, very noisy, and that's just the waitingroom! 

    I keep reading about people not having information on this forum - so either, the NHS is really bad about telling people anything such that it induces unnecessary stress and anxiety, or its just all those who end up looking online are those who haven't been told anything, and everyone else doesn't bother!

    Good luck!