Poss stomach cancer?

Had terrible gastric problems for a year, then suddenly, last year, everything seemed to shoot down into my bowels. Diarrhea all through '24, which very suddenly got much worse 2 - 3 months ago. I am now vomiting most days, running to the loo multiple, multiple times a day and can barely eat. Have lost 1.5 stones in 10 weeks. I have a CT scan with dye coming up, and a colonoscopy and gastoscopy. I'm fairly certain the docs are looking for stomach cancer, although my husband thinks I probably have a gall bladder problem. All bloods OK, except for low protein. I've had breast cancer twice, the last time 11 years ago and have been clear since. I'm just wondering if these symptoms sound normal for stomach / bowel cancer? I'm not afraid to meet a cancer diagnosis head on, what is driving me mad is not knowing if my symptoms fit something else entirely, or are typical of some form of stomach  or gastric cancer? Can anyone help? 

  • Hello braveflute, 

    Unfortunately it is difficult to know while you are waiting for answers what your symptoms might be indicative of but the important thing is that all this is now being properly investigated and you are going to have all the right tests and have a diagnosis very soon. It's hard to know what the doctors are looking for and they may not know themselves what they are looking for but with all these tests coming up you will get a bit more clarity very soon. It's great that your bloods are ok and it is normal to worry about cancer especially as you have had breast cancer twice but this may be totally unrelated and it's great that you have been clear since. 

    All you can do really for now is wait and this is really the hardest thing and we have these helpful tips to help you cope while waiting for this important diagnosis. One important tip is to keep well away from the temptation to look things up on Google as this will only make you worry even more and will never give you satisfactory or reliable answers.

    I will be crossing all fingers and toes for you that it all turns out to be nothing too concerning and that you find out more soon and get the right treatment to alleviate these symptoms. Other members of our community may have been in a similar place before and I hope that they will be along shortly to share their experience with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator