Hello folks,
I found something on New Year's Day. But GP saw me on the 2nd, and straight to the referral, I had an NHS app notification the next day with a date and time (next week) and thought a letter of some kind would follow. all so efficient. But since then nothing:
No letter, no information, I don't even know which building, I only have which hospital (from the GP) and the date and time (from the App).
I'm autistic. I have an assistance dog normally to help me get around, but we've still got ongoing training with her for advanced skills, like remaining calm while I'm being poked around in a medical exam and given she's trained to be very sensitive to my emotions, that runs counter to all her other training and is a really advanced skill. Which means she isn't ready to accompany me for this. So I'm going to be on my own, I know the site, but not even which building on that site, and I know the day and time and that its a 'one stop shop' but no idea if I'll be there all day? The time given is first thing in the morning.
I'm guessing they have no understanding of autism, or I'd have had some info through about the sensory side of what the tests will be - and at this point I think I'm more dreading more that I'll overload at the hospital without my assistance dog to help me survive the noise of the waiting room than I am the possible results. This feels like a huge mess about to happen just to get access to the first step of whatever is to come.
Can anyone tell me about the kinds of scans run from a sensory point of view? Are they as loud as MRI? Is there a lot of vibration? Will there be lots of bright lights? Lots of pressure? Hot or cold? Will I need to be poked and prodded a lot? Take my clothes off and wear a gown?