Suspected Uterine Cancer - Why MRI instead of Hysteroscopy?


I’ve had a transvaginal ultrasound and I have a large mass in my myometrium. I am being sent for an MRI. I was expecting the next step to be a hysteroscopy as that is what the hospitals guide says is the next step. Can anyone shed any light on why I would be sent for an MRI instead please?

No need to worry about scaring me with any of your responses. I’m all for honesty and straight talking. I  just want to prepare myself. I’m autistic and like a plan and explanations for things so the not knowing is worse than knowing if that makes any sense!

Thanks for any guidance x

  • Hi Laureneli,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. Our nurses may be able to provide some guidance on this - if you'd like to speak to them, you can either post in the 'Ask the Nurses' section of this forum, or you can reach them on freephone 0808 800 4040 (Monday-Friday, 9-5).

    Otherwise, if others here have similar experience then hopefully you'll get some more replies soon.

    Hopefully you're able to get some more information soon to help with understanding what to potentially expect.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator