What to expect at first melanoma appointment?

Very nervous naturally, just had a baby and have this appointment coming up, it’s my first one and it says it’s at the plastic surgery section of the hospital. Not sure what to expect about how the appointment will go? What will happen? I’m going on my own. Do they check your body all over even if there’s only 20 or so sights I can see with my own eyes? What if they are on my back where I can’t see ? 
very nervous 

very self conscious 

hopefully someone can help settle my mind, only 6 days until my appointment, thank you for any advice 

  • Hi,

    Before I can advise you what will happen at your appointment can you first tell us at what stage you are in the process?

    Are you at the beginning of the process - been referred by a GP to see a Dermatologist or Plastic Surgeon OR have you already seen them & the Plastics appointment is a pre-op for the mole to be removed for a biopsy? Or have you had the removal for biopsy & are going to the Plastics appointment for the results? Or have you had the biopsy results, been diagnosed with melanoma and the Plastics appointment is to discuss further surgery (a wide local excision)? 

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)

  • Thanks Angie, I have only seen my go so this is my first appointment with plastic surgeon 

  • OK. The consultant will look at the mole through a dermascope - it shows up any unusual cell structure in the mole & they can take photos with it. If they aren't sure if the mole is a problem, they may advise it's removal to be sent off for a biopsy as that's the only 100% chance of telling if it's cancerous or not. They may also look at any other moles you have in case any of those need checking with the dermascope. If they don't, and you are concerned about your other moles, ask them to give them a quick check over.

    75% of moles are found to be either benign or dysplastic (also known as atypical or precancerous). It's good to have atypical moles removed so that they don't become a problem in the future. Of the other 25% that are melanoma, the vast majority are caught very early & only require surgery as effective treatment.

    You say that you've just had a baby - it's not unusual for pregnancy to cause changes in an existing mole (due to hormones) - most of these changes are found to benign or atypical but it's good that you are getting it checked out. Hopefully the consultant will see no issues with your mole but don't panic if they advise removal - there is still a very good chance it will be fine.

    Good look at your appointment & please let us know how you get on x