Hysteroscopy did not show any problems but biopsy show cancer cells?

Uterine cancer: I just wanted to ask whether anyone on here had a hysteroscopy that showed no bad signs - the uterine lining looked ok on the camera but the biopsy came back with cancer cells?

the Dr said that I couldn’t have cancer because of my shape (these last six months I have put on a lot of weight on my middle since taking HRT ) and that my uterine lining was only 10mm which she said was normal for a two year post menopause woman on HRT. 
i have been bleeding for two months ( that was the reason I saw the GP seven weeks ago who then started the urgent suspected cancer pathway. 
1st biopsy was incorrectly taken with a result three weeks later of ‘no endometrial cells present’

ultrasound report uterus lining 10mm that was on the 29/11

2nd biopsy on the 13/12 along with hysteroscopy 

i was taken off HRT suddenly for a few weeks then told by another dr to start taking it again but without a break

i am distraught and I feel broken

doea a clear hysteroscopy always mean no cancer 

  • Hello Poppy2024

    I know from reading some of your other posts how difficult you're finding this process of waiting and being given mixed messages. It's obviously been a really hard time for you and it's understandable that you may be struggling with your thoughts and feelings about this whole process. 

    Do make an appointment to talk with your GP about your concerns. It may be that they can offer some clarity and assurance. You can also contact the hospital PALS team for advice and support as it's part of their role to help resolve concerns or problems when you're using the NHS. 

    If you'd like to talk with one of our nurses for some advice and support you can call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    I do hope you have some answers and reassurance soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Dear Jenn, Thankyou so much for your warmth, kindness and empathy. I really need it right now and so much appreciate it. Thankyou.