Uterine cancer: I just wanted to ask whether anyone on here had a hysteroscopy that showed no bad signs - the uterine lining looked ok on the camera but the biopsy came back with cancer cells?
the Dr said that I couldn’t have cancer because of my shape (these last six months I have put on a lot of weight on my middle since taking HRT ) and that my uterine lining was only 10mm which she said was normal for a two year post menopause woman on HRT.
i have been bleeding for two months ( that was the reason I saw the GP seven weeks ago who then started the urgent suspected cancer pathway.
1st biopsy was incorrectly taken with a result three weeks later of ‘no endometrial cells present’
ultrasound report uterus lining 10mm that was on the 29/11
2nd biopsy on the 13/12 along with hysteroscopy
i was taken off HRT suddenly for a few weeks then told by another dr to start taking it again but without a break
i am distraught and I feel broken
doea a clear hysteroscopy always mean no cancer