Colonoscopy results

Following my earlier post regarding my colonoscopy 17th Dec... I called Colorectal Consultant secretary and the waiting time for results is 18-20 weeks...

  • Hello Eastendgirl

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been told there is such a long waiting time for colonoscopy results at the moment. I can understand that this may be frustrating for you. 

    We know that many hospitals are experiencing delays at the moment for lots of different reasons but this doesn't make it any easier to wait for the results. 

    If you want to raise your concerns with the hospital I'd suggest contacting the hospital PALS team. It's part of their role to help resolve concerns or problems when you're using the NHS. 

    I do hope you get some reassurance soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thanku Jenn for your reply and advice... I assumed PALS was more relevant for any complaints a patient may have regarding their treatment...unsure much can be done about the waiting times for res s ...the  colorectal consultant explained that due to increase in cases, lack of staff has impacted the time taken for the necessary process to be completed.. absolutely of no help to me and others in this situation but ♀️ 

    The pressure on PALS from so many patients querying misdiagnosis and the like is reported at extreme...
