Wait Time For Results


About 2 WK's into December i had an head & neck MRI i was advise i should get the results in 5 days to 2 wks. 

Then on the 23/12/24 i also had a FNA biopsy they guy was really nice & advised usually the results would take about 5 days but obviously due to the xmas/new year period they couldn't really say.  

Its been really playing on my mind, cant stop worrying its all i can think about !

Was wonder if anyone know how long results can take just for a example &  

Does the amount of time matter in getting a good or not so good diagnosis  ? or can it just be the same either way ? 


  • Hi Esm2000,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am so sorry to hear that your waiting time for biopsy results has been delayed, due to the festive period. Waiting times for these procedures can vary, as some hospitals are busier than others and this is always a stressful time. They usually take between 1-3 weeks. You might find it helpful to phone your consultant's secretary to see if they are back yet. If not, she should be able to advise on when to expect them.

    I sincerely hope that nothing untoward is found and that you hear soon.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi  

    Many thanks for your comment, hopefully will hear back soon :) 

    Kind Regards x

  • Hi Esm2000,

    As you have now been waiting for over 2 weeks, it would be worth making that phone call to your consultant's secretary to see what is happening.

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi  , 

    Thanks :) 

    I received a letter this morning My-chart, have to have the biopsy done again as they've stated its non-diagnostic but it has grown slightly. 

    Still on the 2WK W so will hopefully received a date for the biopsy soon & then the said MDT will review not sure if this is a good thing tbh 

    kind regards X 

  • Hi Esm2000,

    I'm sorry to hear that you have to have the biopsy done again. Don't worry about the MDT, as all biopsies are discussed by this team, as soon as your results come back to the hospital and before the patient is told the outcome. By the time you get the results, the team will have discussed your case, the biopsy results and the best way to proceed with your surgery/treatment.

    I hope that you get a date for your biopsy through soon.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi  , 

    Hope you had a nice weekend, 

    Thanks for all your advise its very appreciated, haven't had a date yet will hopefully get one this week fingers crossed. 

    I will keep that in mind in regards to the MDT its hard to not jump to conclusions its giving me so much anxiety at the moment   :) 

    Kind Regards 

    Esm2000 xx