Had CT scan for suspected appendicitis which was confirmed but a 2cm mass on my right ovary was also detected so I had a transvaginal ultrasound. That showed both ovaries had a mass and my endometrium 8mm thick. I was referred to gynaecology while my appendicitis was treated conservatively with antibiotics and pain relief. Im a post menopausal 71yr old who is fit and active. I even swim 40 lengths per day! The gynaecologist said 8mm was not unusually thick for my age so along with no symptoms such as vaginal bleeding or discharge and never having been on HRT meant I was at low risk. However, a colposcopy would be done without any anaesthetic. Mass in ovaries was just fibroids. Vagina, cervix and vulva looked normal but he found friable vasular tissue on the endometrium which was biopsied. As its been 4 weeks of sheer hell waiting to hear, I phoned today to find out when I would get results. They were already in and apparently I was getting a letter tomorrow! The receptionist read the letter which says the tissue did not show any abnormalities but consultant (and pathologist agrees) to be sure all boxes are ticked I should have a hysteroscopy under general anaesthetic so they can do another biopsy before I can be discharged. I appreciate my consultant wants to be sure everything is ok but why on earth bother putting us through such a painful and terrible procedure of a colposcopy with hysteroscopy without anaesthetic if its not effective in the first instance? Adding to that another wait for the hysteroscopy then a wait for results is just so traumatic. I suffer with severe anxiety and nosomecomphobia (hospital & illness phobia) and the wait so far has had a tremendous negative impact on my mental health and in turn caused several physical symptoms associated with nervousness. Anyone else had this happen where results are normal but consultant wants to do more tests so he can, (quote) 'tick boxes'?