Growing Hard Lump on Clavicle - Sternoclavicular Joint - Awaiting X Ray - Worried Sick

Good afternoon All,

About 12 months ago I noticed a lump on my clavicle - at the sternoclavicular joint. I go to Crossfit gym regularly and thought perhaps I had hit it with a piece of gym kit. 12 months on and it is still there and is getting bigger . Currently its about the size of a small golf ball. It is very hard, does not move about, is not painful to touch and my range of movement is absolutely fine. Went to see my GP and she has referred me for an X Ray. 

Has anyone else had a similar lump or experience of this please? I can't even believe I am posting on here. But I know it is not an infection or arthritis as it would be sore and painful to touch? So what else could it be? 

X Ray on 28th Jan and I have convinced myself I have a tumour so I am looking for some reasurrance 

Thank you so much

Best wishes


  • Hi Bybrook,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I hope you're getting on OK - I know it's never easy waiting for appointments and information like this. Hopefully you'll get the answers you need before long.

    It's good to hear that you have the referral booked - this is of course the only way to find out more. Some people find it helpful to try to keep busy and focus on other things while waiting, to help keep the mind off any worries.

    In the meantime, hopefully you'll get some more replies to your post here, particularly if others with similar experience see it.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator