This is a question as im so fed up of worrying. Basically last year I had noticed gynae issues bleeding and pain during sex. Unusual discharge and painful periods. I had a my smear and it came back low grade dyskaryosis and high risk HPV. Had a colposcopy and they saw cell changes told me to come back in 12 months. That was 4 and half months ago and 2 months ago I stayed suffering severe sciatic pain and pelvis cramps. I started to sleep between periods for the last 2 months now. I strain for the toilet I bleed, I hold my bladder I bleed, I got told with age it can happen but it's never happened before my hormones etc are normal. My ca125 is only 18. I had a ultrasound and it showed thickening and a cyst of 3 cm on my right ovary. It's a watch and wait , ultrasound booked for 4 months from now. But I started bleeding again. I'm concerned, that the cells are getting worse and the ultrasound wouldn't pick up on that. If the womb ovaries etc are fine it's the only thing that makes sense to me that might be bleeding. Advise please, surely the colposcopy clinic should maybe check again what if its getting worse I don't want to wait another 6 months for symptoms to progress.