I attended a routine 6 month dental check up today and the dentist casually informed me after inspecting my tongue that I have an irregular white patch on the right side of my tongue - but not to worry (yeah right) she will monitor it and I should go back in 3 months and if it’s changed she will refer me ….because ‘they don’t have the equipment to test’ - well yeah obviously!
I left feeling quite shocked and confused …they didn’t even ask any health related questions (ie. I’ve never smoked or vaped) nor did they point out where it actually was on my tongue so that I can monitor it …
is this normal for dentists to not send an urgent referral when they spot something like that - what if it turns it to be sinister and I lose 3 months???? I haven’t got a problem being referred I just don’t understand 3 months!
I’ve got no symptoms until today which is now major anxiety!
Grateful if anyone else has experienced similar ?