Awaiting further tests


so around 7 weeks ago my symptoms started. I was passing blood daily in my stools. Along with constipation I put this off to piles(the blood). Then normal to soft stools followed but always with blood. Days in between it would then just be bloody mucus or even clots after wiping on the tissue. Eventually I made a doctors appointment early December. I did feel like I was brushed off ( probably age related) however they ordered some blood tests and all came back normal. I did do a fecal Calprotectin test which came back at 266. An internal was carried out with no evidence of piles or fissure. I actually got the result as I ended up going back to the doctors with severe stomach cramps and the ongoing issue of blood in stools. 
anyway I have since been referred to the hospital but I am still awaiting any notification. As this has now been over three weeks do you think I should be chasing. I am still passing blood, more so just mucus and blood. I am made to feel like I should not be pressing this issue but something is just telling me that something is not right. 
has anyone had anything similar to my experience? 
thank you 

  •  ash654321 hi there. I’m experiencing the same symptoms as you  I went to see the doctor because I thought it was internal piles but when my doctor did a rectal exam she said she couldn’t feel any thing so then had a fit test came back positive  even of you have piles that bleed it would come back positive so I didn’t worry about it too much  but now as time goes on with blood present in nearly most toilet trips I’m worrying  I’m booked for a colonoscopy next week I’m really scared about every thing   All my blood tests came back all normal   I seem to be a lot gassier and mucus  I darns pass gas with out going to the bath room because I feel some thing come down with the gas mucus comes with it but not all the time  I’m so hoping that it’s internal piles  I have been reading that piles can cause these sort of symptoms and also doctors can’t always feel internal piles because they are soft and too high up  I’ve been having my symptoms as long as you    I’m 70 years old and just so hope it’s nothing sinister hope all goes well for you   

  • I think we have to a positive that both our bloods have come back normal. 
    somedays it really doesn’t bother me, but then others I’ll be spending the whole day procrastinating every scenario and googling my symptoms. 
    I requested a fit test from the doctor to which they refused, I did advise that I had done 2 home tests and both came back positive, which I expected giving every passing stool there is blood. 
    it’s a mind field, and hope I get some appointment at least by next week. 
    pleased you have getting booked in, hope all goes well for you. Keep us posted and if you need a chat, reach out anytime. 

  • Hi I think some times we look up mr Google a lot maybe we shouldn’t do that but I know some times you can’t help it.  I’ve lost a lot of weight with this because stress and anxiety I couldn’t eat  over thinking things    Just living in hopes it’s still internal piles dreading the prep for colonoscopy  just hope I can take all that horrid bowel prep  then colonoscopy Tuesday afternoon  hope you get some answers soon all this as really got to me  can’t thing about any thing else it’s taken over my life. I even dread going to the toilet these days  wondering what might be coming out. Sorry for too much information. But if you need to talk I’m here 

  • Yes it’s far too tempting. Although I agree it does not help. 
    sorry to hear this is causing you so much anxiety, do you have friends and family around you for support? 
    not too much information at all. I totally get it. My camera roll is filled with disgusting pics armed ready for the consultant, I know it won’t be necessary but I just feel the way I was treated at the doctors I feel like it’s justified as evidence. 
    Keeping everything crossed for a positive outcome for you next week. 

  • Hi Ash, I have had my colonoscopy, growth removed and biopsies taken and have no results 4 weeks later. I have been ringing my Consultant’s secretary, I have been back to my GP, as, like you I feel something is not right. The wound is not healing properly, I have had no follow up appointment or after care advice so please don’t feel you are being a ‘nuisance’. I was given no pain relief and feel really let down and quite frankly, very worried. Chase as much as you need to. You know your body better than anybody, don’t be fobbed off. 

  • Hi tangoPotter

    hope everything goes well today. Keeping everything crossed for a positive outcome. 


  • Hi, I feel similar to you, with things not being right from early December. It has taken a month to see a GP, my appointment being tomorrow. I hope to get some clarity from the appointment and will go from there. Wishing you well.

  • Hope it all goes well for you. 
    I just feel like there is no urgency or I’m brushed aside, I mean it could be nothing at all, and I guess time will only tell. 

  • Hi ash654321  my results wasn’t good yesterday  they found a tumour growing in my rectum  I just thought I had piles because of the feeling up there and the bleeding  must admit it wasn’t the news I was expecting I don’t know how or what I’m feeling right now  they took 8 biopsies so I’m a bit sore up there today. So the pressure I’m feeling like keep needing the toilet is the pressure of this growth iim more scared of bleeding now because it was disturbed with the 8 biopsies  I was bleeding while it was been done they kept filling me up with air so I had to keep pushing wind out so they was blood. I’m even more scared of going for a  BM now  but all I can think of now is how long have I got