Appt on Monday

Hi. I have appt for post menopausal bleeding appt on Monday am. I am 56 and only saw nurse yesterday afternoon,  got referral made and phone call re appt today. Go from reading items about 90% of urgent referrals not bring cancer but bit worried over the speed., though Monday seems like an age away

Feel quite pathetic atm lots of tears and just so worried about how son and husband are going to be affected by any diagnosis 

Trying to sleep but hey that's wishful 

  • I saw my GP about postmenopausal bleeding on a Tuesday morning and got a phone call on the Thursday afternoon offering me an ultrasound appointment for the following morning! They also booked me in for the ultrasound follow-up appointment on the Sunday morning! All postmenopausal bleeding is referred for investigation on an urgent 2 week wait basis. It's just the luck of the draw how quick you get seen and does not mean they are any more concerned about you than anyone else in the same boat. I completely understand your anxiety though. Mine is horrendous at the moment. My ultrasound found a large complex ovarian cyst. I was oblivious to this as I had no symptoms and have since had blood tests and an MRI scan that I am still awaiting results for. Monday will be here before you know it and you can start getting some answers.

  • Thank for taking the time to post with reassurance