Hi everyone. Almost a week ago two pretty big wounds appeared on the gums of my bottom molars. I've been trying to use saltwater rinse and brushing three times daily but yet they are still showing no sign of improvement. They only really hurt when pushed on from outside the mouth.
I plan on making or at least trying to make an appoitment with my dentist to get them checked if there's no improvement in a couple days time. My real questions are: I am 17, and am guilty about not brushing my teeth everyday with pretty bad oral hygeine in the past and even presently. I have vaped before (has been on and off for over a year, probably around 6-8 months maybe less of vaping) so I was just wondering if this is likely to be cancer, something I should be taking even more urgently then I am and getting an appoitment now and not wait to see if it improves etc etc.
I am quite worried about this as I know I shouldn't of been vaping at my age and I know I have needed to practice better at home oral practices like better brushing for a long time now. I would just like to know if this is something I should get urgently checked, if I should just book an appoitment with my normal dentist or an urgent one, and the liklihood this is cancer. Thank you and sorry for the long post