I wonder what on earth is going on in my " busy" breasts....

I just thought I had better post as it's better than worrying. I have had another yearly mammogram and  waiting for results again. I had a 2 inch fibroadenoma removed when  I was 50 which unusually contained extensive lobular carcinoma in situ. 3 years on I am finding it harder to wait for results, especially as if there might be a delay over Christmas. I have extremely dense breasts which have had lots going on, pash like changes, micro calcification , cysts etc etc. I have got lumpy breasts but about a month ago felt a small hard lump near my nipple. I am hoping it's caused by the age related ductal changes. I know I shouldn't poke but I do and that makes the waiting worse as it hasn't gone away. My mammogram was on 17th December so hopefully will get results soon but  waiting seems worse this time. I know exactly how people feel waiting for results especially if it's a yearly thing. I know we're told not to worry until you know what you're dealing with but long term it's hard. 

I was wondering what people's experience has been, ie no news, good news/ or no news MDT involved so delays/ mammogram reading difficulties etc.

Any feedback greatly appreciated so my mind stops going around in circles!

Many thanks Guinea pig lover.

PS Try and stay positive everyone.x

  • Hello Guineapiglover

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently had some new concerns about your breast health. When you've experienced problems previously it's understandable that you're feeling anxious about this new lump that you've found. 

    It's good to know that you've already had a mammogram and hopefully you won't have to wait too long to hear some news from the breast care team. Did they give you any indication about when that may be? 

    We know that for many people this period of waiting and uncertainty can be difficult. It can sometimes help to with someone about how you're feeling. If you'd like to chat with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays). 

    In the meantime, try to keep busy and avoid searching the internet for answers if you can as this most often leaves people feeling more worried. 

    Keep in touch Guineapiglover and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator