Failed Biopsy for Ovarian Cyst

I have posted before but wanted to create a second post specifically about biopsy process as I am unable to find much info. Was booked for a biopsy today. I had asked for info on the procedure but secretary didn't know anything and I had no opportunity to talk to consultant before hand. Had no opportunity to prepare at all and from reading on the internet was thinking I would have an ultrasound and a needle would be inserted through my abdomen. Consultant took me straight into room and I was told to undress lower half. Was like process to have a smear but as soon as he tried to take a sample I experienced extreme pain. I got very upset and my partner got very upset. Instantly started bleeding so they decided to stop. I went to the toilet and passed a huge clot and have been bleeding since (a few hours) Consultant has said they will try a different test as they are also worried about the thickness of my womb -think I also have adenomyosis. Have had ultrasounds and MRI and cyst  was 10x8x11cms when that was carried out two weeks ago. I am in constant pain and exhausted. I am unable to leave the house due to random flooding - sometimes like watered down blood other times massive clots. Consultant is adamant I have to try this next test - he said it uses water so will be less uncomfortable. I did say I don't think I can cope with any more tests but he was quite insistent and won't consider surgery until we have tried. I feel so low right now, I'm exhausted and lonely and in constant pain. I also don't have a clue what this test involves either - other than water... If anyone could advise I would be very grateful.

  • It sounds like a torture! You poor girl!

    I had ovarian cyst removed , thankfully without any biopsies. Why  don't they just remove it for you too and then do all investigations etc?  Ovarian cycts are horrible things to have, especially when they burst. The pain is insane...

  • I asked this yesterday. He said it was important to undergo all the diagnostic tests first. 

    He also wants me to take hormones which he says will regulate the heavy bleeding... I have had no menopause symptoms whatsoever and hormonally have never felt more stable (with the exception of current trauma!) I think the massive cyst and adenomyosis are causing the bleeding and I don't see how messing with my hormones will help that at all. I have actually contacted my GP this morning and asked if I can have a second opinion as feel unsafe. I have a diagnosis of PTSD from previous medical negligence and when the nurse apologised for hurting me yesterday had a flashback to the previous incident. You would think lightening wouldn't strike twice but I ignored the warning signs last time as trusted doctor knows best.

  • I am so sorry you have to go through it, taking into account your previous experience.

    Good job on asking for second opinion! To me it sounds like unjustified torture.

    I have mixed experience with biopsies myself -the first one failed to pick up cancer,. I came back negative and I carried on living with a great lump on my neck thinking all is good. It carried on growing so they did another one and found abnormal cells (but still no clear answers), so had to take it out anyway...

    In regards of the cyst, I was told if it is bigger than 4.5 cm and you had it for a while, you should qualify for removal. It's really hard to make them remove it- they will use any excuse under the stars. Mine used to burst regularly giving me lots of pain and a trip in ambulance on one occasion, it was that bad... But GP kept brushing me under the carpet until I flashed "c card" some years later and demanded to have it taken out (it was 6-7 cm at the time)

    So I think you just need to insist on different diagnostic methods if this biopsy thing gives you so much distress.

    In regards of heavy bleeding, my friend had that due to endometriosis. There is a test for it, like a small key hole operation which again, NHS does not like to do...they remove cysts via keyhole -could have looked around at the same time ...


  • Yes, I think adenomyosis has similar symptoms to  endometriosis. I'm 55 in two days time - literally just want the lot out as I don't need any of it! Totally understand the need to have an awareness of what is going on before surgery but I have had blood tests, smear, two ultrasounds and an MRI as well as internal exams and I just feel I'm no further along than the very first ultrasound. Yesterday was the final straw for me. I did google and it said go back to GP for referral for a second opinion... my GP has booked a telephone appointment for 31st December....

  • if 55 and they try to treat heavy bleeding with hormones -i would definitely be asking for second opinion too...

    Sometimes it helps to tell them what you actually want, like it causes you too much distress etc...

    Good luck for 31st: x

  • Yes it just seems crazy when they have established I have a really large cyst and adenomyosis that they are still delaying treatment. Surely even if its cancer the first action would be remove everything... literally no harm in doing that at all so the delays are hugely frustrating.

  • Hi I have been having a ovarian cysts monitored for the last year and a half it's 5.9cm. I am going on waiting list to get it removed I have not concented it yet I just want to make sure I  doing the right thing. How was the surgery. Its a simple cyst but does not seem to be going. They say its not sinister and blood are fine. I've already had melanoma and thyroid cancer in the last year and a half. So I guess I  doing the right thing getting it removed.

  • Hey there, I'm sorry to hear you had to deal with is really making us take every bump seriously.

    I am glad I insisted on removing mine. It hurt like hell when it bursted and I felt like having a time bomb in there ready to go and put me into misery at any time.

    While there they checked some other stuff and found some yellow weird grows/lesions on other ovary which they removed too and sent for biopsy. It came back ok, but thanks god they did. Operation was not too bad, tiny little keyhole scars on sides and in belly button. I didn't have to stay over night like after thyroid removal, and recovery took just over a week.

    My advice would be to have it removed - extra peace of mind for you. It's enough to think about other two...

  • Thank you for reply. I think I wil get it removed otherwise it could cause problems later on 

  • Just to update. I am still waiting to see another consultant - 18th Feb. My GP advised me to take the Provera the previous consultant prescribed so I have done. I basically have had two weeks of not bleeding (other than the occasional bit) which has made a massive difference as for the first time in ages I felt it was safe to leave the house. Am currently on the 7 days of not taking it and have been in the most horrendous pain with really heavy bleeding. Again, unable to go anywhere or do anything. Woke up at 3 am yesterday in terrible pain took some ibuprofen and fell back to sleep. Couple of hours later woke again in terrible pain. - just got worse and worse as the day went on. Huge pressure in my abdomen and groin which radiated to my back and top of legs. Just wave after wave that culminated in a stabbing pain. Ended up calling NHS last night and was told to dial 999. Did so and they told me I wasn't an emergency but should see a medical professional within 2 hours. Went to the hospital where our out of hours GP is and the pain stopped whilst I was in the waiting room - go figure! Today pain is back but its like its turned down slightly - still horrible but not crying constantly. I think I'm about at the end of my ability to cope. My life just seems to be totally dominated by this, one day thinking I might be well enough to go back to work and the next more pain and anxiety. About to come to the end of my sick pay soon so no idea how I even live with no money.