I have posted before but wanted to create a second post specifically about biopsy process as I am unable to find much info. Was booked for a biopsy today. I had asked for info on the procedure but secretary didn't know anything and I had no opportunity to talk to consultant before hand. Had no opportunity to prepare at all and from reading on the internet was thinking I would have an ultrasound and a needle would be inserted through my abdomen. Consultant took me straight into room and I was told to undress lower half. Was like process to have a smear but as soon as he tried to take a sample I experienced extreme pain. I got very upset and my partner got very upset. Instantly started bleeding so they decided to stop. I went to the toilet and passed a huge clot and have been bleeding since (a few hours) Consultant has said they will try a different test as they are also worried about the thickness of my womb -think I also have adenomyosis. Have had ultrasounds and MRI and cyst was 10x8x11cms when that was carried out two weeks ago. I am in constant pain and exhausted. I am unable to leave the house due to random flooding - sometimes like watered down blood other times massive clots. Consultant is adamant I have to try this next test - he said it uses water so will be less uncomfortable. I did say I don't think I can cope with any more tests but he was quite insistent and won't consider surgery until we have tried. I feel so low right now, I'm exhausted and lonely and in constant pain. I also don't have a clue what this test involves either - other than water... If anyone could advise I would be very grateful.