I am worried because I have had ring pessaries fitted and every time I bleed from the vagina when I have a bowel movement. I have had a scan and it showed the lining of my uterus was ok. Has anyone had the same experience.
I am worried because I have had ring pessaries fitted and every time I bleed from the vagina when I have a bowel movement. I have had a scan and it showed the lining of my uterus was ok. Has anyone had the same experience.
Hello Myflower2
I'm sorry to hear that you've had some ongoing health concerns. It's good to hear that the scan you had didn't show any immediate cause for concern but I can understand that you may still be feeling anxious.
Do get back in touch with your GP who will be best placed to offer advice and support and arrange for any further referrals that are appropriate.
I hope that you have some answers and reassurance soon.
Best wishes,
Cancer Chat moderator