PSA levels

Hi there,

I’m new to the forum.

Today my GP phoned and told me my PSA prostate levels were extremely high, and he has referred me as a red flag case to my local hospital.

I phoned the hospital to check for any cancellations, but was told they just take the next on the list.

They also said that red flag cases are between 6 and 8 weeks waiting!
Has anyone been in the same situation? And does extremely high PSA levels always mean prostate cancer?
Really panicking.

Thanks everyone.

  • Hello Anthony-5, 

    A very warm welcome to our forum. I am so sorry to hear that your PSA prostate levels were very high and you have been referred as a red flag case. I hope that you won't have to wait too long to be seen even if they told you it could take 6 to 8 weeks. Many other members of our community will have been in the same situation and I hope that they will be along shortly to share their experience with you. It's normal to be panicking but try if you can not to worry too much or anticipate what it might be until you get to see a specialist and get a bit more clarity. Waiting for results is the hardest thing and it can be a worrying time when you don't really know what to expect and what is going on. We have these helpful tips on our website to help you cope while waiting for important news. It might help to talk things through with one of our cancer nurses who will be able to tell you more about what raised PSA levels might mean - they have a free helpline you can ring on 0808 800 4040 - it is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm so don't hesitate to get in touch with them. 

    I will now let our members who have been in a similar place before come and say hello and share their own story with you. I am keeping everything crossed for you that it turns out to be nothing concerning. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator