Suspected Ovarian Cancer

I discovered an abdominal mass months ago and have only just got it checked out. They did a CA125 test and it came out as 125. Went for ultrasound, MRI and CT. Results were that I had a 36cm lesion and would need surgery to remove. I was expecting a call earlier this week to let me know what type of surgery I would need (key hole or open). However, received a call yesterday to say that I need to go and see another consultant but no time frame given.  As you can imagine, I am quite worried. Was just wondering if anyone had any advice or had been through something similar.

  • Hi Plump

    I found pre-cancerous cells stressful enough, but I was a young(ish) wee thing then. I feel for you. '86, so a young(ish) wee lass then? Ooooh, that's hard. Hugs.

    Hanging around is the worst thing. More hugs.

  • I haven’t been through where you are yet, but I just wanted to send hugs, I’m also in the waiting game and it’s probably the hardest thing I’ve ever been through, waiting for answers. 
    why has your mass only just been checked out if it was discovered months ago? 
    something I read on another thread was to keep thinking “I haven’t actually been told any bad news” and to hang on to that. Hopefully we never will, but haven’t at this point. 
    it’s hard as we want to be seen quick…but seeing someeone rapidly worries me too that they have seen a reason to see me quickly!