Grain of rice lump in breast

Hey Everyone 

Am looking for reassurance really, or similar stories.  I am a mum of a toddler (and currently pregnant with my 2nd).  My left breast has been very itchy in a certain spot for the past week… well, having felt my boobs, which I do every 2m or so, I have found a lump which is the exact shape/feel of a grain of rice right where the itching is.  It def wasn’t there 2m or so ago. 

Of course I am freaking out (but have been down this road before when I had a HUGE fibroadenoma appear) again that was a long wait for test results but was a big relief it was a FA. Ended up having it removed due to it growing in size.

This feels completely different to the FA I had. It’s also firm and doesn’t move. I don’t need to Google because I did a lot of that with my last lump (yes silly of me) so know exactly what kinds of features a possible BC lump can have.  Being fixed/immobile & firm are just 2 of them! 

anyway, sorry to ramble on… but has anyone else had a similar lump to what I have described and it’s turned out to be benign/ nothing?  Or has it turned out to be BC… I feel like I am more mentally prepared for this journey again but do like to seek reassurance to helP me get through :(

am waiting to hear back from my docs for an appointment… I hope the wait isn’t too long. 

thank you 

  • Hello worried9211

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently found a small lump in your breast. It's understandable that you're feeling anxious but I'm really glad to hear that you've avoided searching the internet for information this time as I'm sure you know how that can increase your anxiety, 

    Hopefully, by now, you've heard from your GP surgery but if not do give them another call. I'm sure they will be able to give you some reassurance and advice. 

    Do let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi 

    did you find out what this was I have exactly the same thing and have breast clinic Tuesday I am so worried trying to find calm in some forums instead of on google

    many thanks