Failed hysteroscopy under general what next???

Hi lovely people;

looking for some advice! I am 61 post menopausal had breast cancer last year ( caught early through screening) and on tamoxifen. Had a pelvic scan for an unrelated issue now resolved and scan showed up a thickened uterus 14mm ( bulky cystic). Fast forward referred for hysteroscopy in Friday , knocked out, woke up to be told they hadn’t t been able to do it as my cervix is very stenosed and they couldn’t dilate it at all. Very weepy and fed up. I am asymptomatic and last ca125 was normal at 24. Smear done September normal. No bleeding ( but maybe it can’t get out!) brain going into hyper mode. Surgeon said next stage is mri as no other way to get into uterus. He also mentioned hysterectomy ( but with no symptoms I am hoping it doesn’t come to that). I stopped tamoxifen for 4 weeks agreed by breast surgeon and waiting to hear of if I need to start it again or wait till after mri. Also had my year 1 mammogram last week ( week from hell! And waiting on results). Really worried that they couldn’t get into uterus to do biopsy and not sure where we go from here? Xxx

  • I'm sorry that your hysteroscopy wasn't able to be carried out Joyousjen, but it's good to hear they have another way to look at your uterus through the MRI.

    Quite a few of our members have been in a similar situation so you are not alone, and hopefully it won't be long until some of them stop by to offer their support and share their experiences and advice.

    If you'd like to discuss this further with one of our cancer nurses, they're available on 0808 800 4040. Their helpline is open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m and they will do all they can to answer your questions and address any other worries or concerns you have at this time.

    I know this all must be very tiring, and frustrating, but I and the rest of the Cancer Chat community are thinking of you Joyousjen and will have our fingers crossed you'll finally be able to get some answers and much needed peace of mind when you go for you MRI.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator