Hi lovely people;
looking for some advice! I am 61 post menopausal had breast cancer last year ( caught early through screening) and on tamoxifen. Had a pelvic scan for an unrelated issue now resolved and scan showed up a thickened uterus 14mm ( bulky cystic). Fast forward referred for hysteroscopy in Friday , knocked out, woke up to be told they hadn’t t been able to do it as my cervix is very stenosed and they couldn’t dilate it at all. Very weepy and fed up. I am asymptomatic and last ca125 was normal at 24. Smear done September normal. No bleeding ( but maybe it can’t get out!) brain going into hyper mode. Surgeon said next stage is mri as no other way to get into uterus. He also mentioned hysterectomy ( but with no symptoms I am hoping it doesn’t come to that). I stopped tamoxifen for 4 weeks agreed by breast surgeon and waiting to hear of if I need to start it again or wait till after mri. Also had my year 1 mammogram last week ( week from hell! And waiting on results). Really worried that they couldn’t get into uterus to do biopsy and not sure where we go from here? Xxx