FIT Test

I've just had a positive FIT test. 32ug the cut off is 10ug. I developed a perianal abcess which is why I went to the doctor. I did this FIT test and now I'm scheduled for a colonoscopy. As I understand it the test is not affected by fresh blood. So in theory the abcess should have no effect on the test. Although my GP seemed unsure. They wanted to give me a physical prostate exam but said it would be too painful with the abcess. So I'm on the 2ww route. Now I've had blood spotting for 20 years on and off. I had IBS when I was younger. I was treated for Heliobacta Pylori. My GP said I had a haemorrhoid or fissure 15 years ago. I assumed that's where the spotting was from. Although the current GP said he couldn't see any haemorrhoids. Now I'm terrified, I'm early 50's with a young son. My anxiety is astronomical, hence why I'm writing this having not slept. I need some perspective, I guess.

  • Hi although your test is over the cut off point of 10 its still very low as it can go up to the high hundreds ,Ive just had a Colonoscopy due to my test being 51 and I was told on the day of my Colonoscopy that everything looked fine although they did take a couple of biopsies to test for other things as I do have Diverticulitis ,i would say its a good thing that they are checking you out it will give you peace of mind one way or another ,If you need to know anything else just ask I hope things go well for you .

  • Hi, thanks for the reply. Peace of mind that would be nice. I had a ct scan 2 weeks ago for a possible brain tumour. That was ok but the anxiety is just overwhelming. I said to my other half, if this is ok, I'm not going near a doctor for years. I didn't think the number really meant a huge deal. If you had a reading of 11 they would still send you for a colonoscopy. When I saw the PA he wasn't even going to send me. It was the GP who told him a positive test regardless of the reading meant referral. Although I guess it does indicate how much haemoglobin is in your stool. As I understand it the national screening test for bowel cancer is 120ug. Cheers

  • Yes I'm sure my online test results mentioned something about only if its over 40ug and it was ,I'm waiting for CT scan results and I've said to myself something similar to you if that's clear I don't want any more tests forever if at all possible lol 

  • Thanks for the reply. I've just heard back from the hospital they are not sending me for an immediate colonoscopy, despite what the GP said. Apparently they review each case and grade it. I'm booked in for a 15 minute appointment with a specialist in December. Presumably they will do one at some point. They obviously don't regard it as particularly urgent. So I guess that's something, maybe.

  • Maybe get some questions ready to ask whilst you're there its a good opportunity so that you know what they intend to do and when .

  • Good idea. Make a list because I always forget when I actually sit in front of them. I have a blood test Monday, so if there is anything very unusual it might get picked up.