Abdominal and pelvic pain scare

Hi I'm EJ, I'm a trans man. I recently suffered pelvic pain that occured outside of my usual period. My mum told me to get checked out so I went to the doctors and they said its best to do an ultrasound to double check.

I've had this done before and I wasn't worried, however this time the examination took much longer than usual, and they did an addtional external ultrasound and pressed around my stomach. I had a feeling something wasn't right; this was around the time the pain started to get worse.

I got a call from the doctor telling me that they found something different on my left ovary (a hetergenous area around 6cm x 4cm x 3.5cm) and that I needed addtional checks to further investigate. They couldnt identify what it was due to shadowing on the ultrasound.

During this time the pain started to get really bad; I called 111 when it was at its worse and they sent an ambulance, who told me to get some stronger pain medicine. So I did. The pain is still hard to manage - it's in my pelvis, lower abdomen, hips, lower back and occasionally spreads to my thighs and groin.

I had an MRI scan two days ago and I am worrying about what they might find. As of right now I have no clue what it is and my brain is thinking the worst due to the nature of my symptoms.

  • Hi EJ and a warm welcome to our forum, 

    It was the right thing to do to follow your mum's advice and get this checked and I am glad that they were thorough and you were given an ultrasound but sometimes additional tests are indeed necessary when there is shadowing on the ultrasound for example. It sounds like you were in a lot of pain during this time and I hope that the stronger pain relief is helping a little. 

    The MRI will no doubt shed some light on what is going on and I hope that you won't need to wait too long for your results. The next few days of waiting for your results will be quite an anxious time and it is normal given you are in so much pain at the moment to fear the worst but try if you can to resist any temptation you may have to look things up online as Google will only tell you everything you do not want to hear and it will give you inaccurate explanations so keep well away from that. Have a look at our tips and coping strategies while waiting for these important answers and I hope that they will make the coming days a little easier to bear. 

    Do keep in touch and let us know what the MRI reveals. We'll be thinking of you and keeping everything crossed for you. Other members of our community have had very similar symptoms which they will recognise when reading your story and I hope that they will be along shortly to come and say hello and share their experience with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator