Bowel cancer

Hi, 27 years old. "Diagnosed" (and I say the term loosely as no tests carried out) with IBS back in 2018 (stomach aches, swapping between constipation and diarrhoea after eating certain foods). September 2024 had a streak of bright red blood in faeces, not a lot, but enough for me to notice. Then had it twice again October. Current symptoms are excess mucous in stools, small amount of visible blood in stool (however, it could just be orange mucous), constipation, feeling like I need to go but can't, or just passing said mucus.

All bloods came back within range, faecal calprotectin came back as <33, coeliac, culture & sensitivity and h.pylori all came back as negative. Awaiting FIT test to be delivered from the lab. GP felt abdomen, soft and palpable, no pain or tenderness. I know that the next steps from here will be a colonoscopy if the fit is positive or symptoms persist.

I suffer quite bad with health anxiety anyway, but this has me terrified. I have spent the last 3 weeks absolutely wracked with fear. Funnily enough, I'm a nurse, so I should know better than self diagnosing and Dr Google.

Any similar experiences that turned out to be less sinister?

  • When I was 40, I had rectal bleeding, almost daily for a couple of months, some weight loss, occasional loose stools (maybe once a week) and trapped wind. It turned out to be hemorrhoids probably combined with the effects of my thyroid medication and possibly the stress of the whole thing.

  • I am the same as you. Similar issues. Also a nurse and knew I needed a colonoscopy because I did know my FIT test would be positive and it was.  Currently awaiting the colonoscopy which should be done within 2 weeks.  Totally stressed but keep putting it to the bk of my mind and trying to keep calm as I tell myself until I get a confirmed result on anything I am fine.  I know it's hard especially when being at work you probably think it's all going to be doom and gloom but there's lots of things this could be related to so try your best to remember that and stay positive. 

  • My FIT test came back negative. Currently at a stage of not knowing what to think. The thought is still there is the back of my mind.