Pelvis, back and lower rib pain left side

I am quickly deteriorating with the above pain. It is fairly continuous but unbearable on walking.  My red blood cells are small and they are looking for bleeding via gastroscopy. Thing is the pain is not being taken seriously and I still don't have any pain relief.  I'm hiring a wheel chair things have got so bad....should I be worried?

  • Hi Catherine and welcome to the forum.

    I'm so sorry to hear about the pain you're in. This must be very distressing, but please don't give up. 

    Hopefully some of our members who have been in a similar situation will be along soon to offer their thoughts and advice, but if you'd like to talk things through with one of our cancer nurses, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very easy to talk to and will do all they can to answer your questions and help you work out the best way of getting your pain seen to and managed.

    We're thinking of you Catherine and wishing you all the best with your gastroscopy.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator