I'm 51 and have been post menopausal for 2 years. I had a bleed out of the blue about 4 weeks ago and this past two weeks I've been fast tracked and ended up having a hysteroscopy a week ago . Scan found endometrial thickening and polyps. I take tamoxifen as a cancer preventative due to a strong family history of Breast, Ovarian and colon cancer. I was really quite OK until this last day or so but now I'm getting quite anxious. The consultant and radiographer were virtually silent and any questions I asked like how thick my lining was were answered very vaguely. I have had a lot of bloating, pressure and discharge before my bleed and I have bled quite badly since my op. I have no idea what to do or what I'm going to do if it's cancer and I'm not sleeping. I live on my own and I have no family. At the moment I'm thinking that if it is cancer I may refuse treatment. Has anyone ever been in a similar situation? Thanks