I have been referred for tests under the two week urgent pathway
with suspected “gynaecological cancer”.
It’s been a huge shock and I’ve felt so upset, thinking the worst etc.
The appointment is taking longer than expected to come through.
And my symptoms continue to irritate and bother.
meanwhile coming off HRT has meant back to intense hot flashes and heightened anxiety.
has anyone here been in this situation and have any advice on the following:
How long did you have to wait after the appointments (which I believe are for a biopsy and outpatient appointment?) to find out if you had cancer and to what degree?
did you tell anyone while you were waiting?
I have told my husband and one of my bosses (just in case I need cover for meetings etc in a very busy and demanding job) and even telling my boss felt overly dramatic and I felt guilty putting that on someone when it’s not even clear what the situation is.
i can’t quite bear to see friends 1:1 at the minute and feel so extremely fatigued anyway.
would be great to hear some general words and advice from others on handling this.