Diagnosis over phone?

Hi, wondered if anyone had experienced the same..

34 year old female, went to doctors about a mole.. she referred me and I was seen within 2 weeks. They agreed it needed to be removed and 4 weeks later it was cut out of my breast. they said they would be sending it off for diagnosis on melanoma.. he also stated they would send me a letter in the post if it was good news. 

4 weeks down the line I have received a letter to state I have a telephone consultation booked in next week with the plastic surgery team… would they give bad news over the phone? Thank you

  • Was it dermatology or plastic surgery who cut out your mole?

    Second guessing can really stress you at the waiting stage. It's best to try and be calm until the appointment even though that's probably impractical advice. My partner was told over the phone he had melanoma because they had to book him in for a skin graft as it was on his scalp there wasn't enough loose skin to sew him up with a straight forward removal. I think everyone's circumstances are different. I really hope yours isn't but if it is I hope it's been caught really early. If it's caught early the stats are really good.

  • The letter I got in the post about the telephone call says plastic surgeons? He took the mole away and a small bit of the skin around and said if it was bad news they would send me for a CT scan to see where it has spread to and that would determine how much more they have to cut away… 

    I have had the letter about a week and thought nothing of it at first as my initial thought was they wouldn’t give bad news over the phone.. but the more and more I read.. the more I’m thinking it will be bad news

  • Sorry I think it was plastic surgery team that took it away… but a dermatologist saw it originally 

  • It's such a hard thing to wait for news about. Biopsies take way too long. I got good news when I had a cancer scare and that was at a consultation. I think the surgeon quite enjoyed giving good news face to face 

  • Thank you, glad you your results were good :)