

Hi went to dr as i suffer on off intertigo under breasts one was sore and the breast line was inflamed its calmed down now but still have red patch under breast. Was a spot then just red now

gp looked and said it was ok and nothing sinsiter  can she tell by looking 

  • Hi Rosiepie,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I had this problem too. I understand that it is a fairly common occurrence. I was taking medication for Diabetes, which caused this to get more severe and more frequent. My GP stopped prescribing the medication and it disappeared. I should stress that I am not a doctor, so I would advise you to see your GP again, if the condition persists. I was also prescribed cream, which reduced the redness and discomfort. Make sure to dry under your breasts particularly well too,

    I hope that this settles for you soon.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx