Biopsy of Papillary Cancer nodule

Having completed my Thyroidectomy I received my biopsy results. I had a scan that showed two nodules, first one was small at the Centre of my gland the second was on left and 5cm.

The biopsy showed the smaller one was 1cm the second had grown to 6cm and was aggressive with three clear breaks in pocket surrounding nodule. I was scanned on 15th July my surgery occurred on 26 Sept.

my team met on the 15th for discussion of my case and decide progress. I met after their conclusion on the 17th Oct. It was decided that I would go for Nuclear Active Iodine treatment at Beatson Unit at Gartnavel General Hospital under a new medical lead. I will have initial meeting with new team on 22nd Oct to go over when and how the treatment would be planned and initiated.