So I did a Ca125 test after ongoing bleeding between periods, bloating, heavy bleeding, leg pain and hip pain
Ca125 came back risen at 109
then a hip X-ray for the pain showed a impingement I can’t sleep at night for the hip pain
so an ultrasound showed a 22mm thick womb in first week after period, a thick walled cyst at 5cm, and a number of hertrogenourous echoe pattern.
further bloods showed low white blood cells
I was then sent for a thorax abdomen and pelvic CT with Dye I was not told why I still haven’t spoken to anyone this is all from the nhs app and just going to appointments I can see then the gyno consultant ordered the Ct after looking at the ultrasound
honestly I feel like it’s bad news I am off to the rapid access clinic next week can I ask if a CT scan was ordered as they are looking for cancer, due to what she’s seen on the scan?
thanks to you xx