Frightened after small lump was found on mammogram

Hi had a recall mammogram today and us and a biopsy, the Dr found a small lump on mammogram and us, I have not felt it and i do check my ladies every month. Thought the mammogram would just show dense tissue so absolutely floored, got to wait 7 days for answers, my head feels like a tornado is rushing through it can't concentrate on anything.

  • Hello Mumto04, 

    I am so sorry to hear that a small lump was found on the mammogram and ultrasound. It must have come as a shock to you and it's not easy to have to wait 7 days for answers. It's completely normal that you are feeling unable to concentrate on anything. This is a feeling many of our members have experienced before and I hope that you will hear from others here who have been through this before, who had a lump found unexpectedly in a similar way. 

    Unfortunately all you can do for now is wait and those 7 days can feel like a lifetime. It is a good idea to try and keep busy while you are waiting doing things you enjoy and keeping well away from the temptation to look anything up on Google as this will make your anxiety go into overdrive. We have these helpful tips to help you cope while waiting for important news. 

    Keeping everything crossed for you that you get more information soon and that it all turns out to be nothing of concern. If you don't mind, please keep us updated when you have your results. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi i was in the same position as you a month ago. Found a limp on mammogram and ultrasound but couldn’t feel it. I’ve just got my diagnosis of stage 2 bc. It’s oestrogen receptive so now waiting for my treatment pathway. I’ve been told it’s treatable and curable so hold in there. I know how hard the wait is but fingers crossed it’s nothing sinister. Here to talk if you need xx

  • Hi Mumto04,

    A very warm welcome to our forum. 

    I am sorry to hear of the situation you find yourself in.

    Was this your first mammogram? More people are recalled after this one than any other. This is because there are no previous images to compare their findings to. Waiting for results is one of the most stressful times of our cancer journey. Our over-active imaginations tend to go into overdrive and this doesn't help either. Our moderator, Lucie, has given you some good advice, especially about not consulting "Dr Google". Much of the information there is inaccurate, out of date, poorly researched and aimed at the more spectacular cases. 

    Not all lumps are cancerous. Of all those attending a breast clinic only 20% will get a cancer diagnosis. The other 80% will have naturally lumpy breasts, benign fibroademoma, cysts, etc. I carried our regular monthly checks too and found a small lump, which turned out to be Pure Mucinous Breast Cancer, stage 1, with no lymph node involvement. I had a lumpectomy. I was terrified, because I lost my mum to secondary breast cancer before this. Less than a year later, I found another lump in the same breast and had a double mastectomy. Treatments have come a long way in the interim and are still evolving. There was just no comparison between the treatment that Mum and I had. I am still here 14 years on and I still live a busy and fulfilling life - I'm sure that you will too.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine 

    Thank you for reaching out, this mamogram was my third one so they had a couple to compare it to. Dr Google is lethal I know, still googled everything when I got home, I have a really good support network luckily. My results can't come quick enough and i know everyone will feel the same, head is like a tornado can't concentrate etc, thank you for sharing your experience with me has made me feel a little better.



  • Hi Mumto04,

    We all rush to Google first thing, but it only serves to scare us further and it doesn't usually even apply to our type of cancer. It's perfectly normal for your emotions to be all over the place at present. You will find that, irrespective of the outcome, you'll feel better, once you know exactly what you are dealing with. If you're shedding a lot of tears, don't worry. This is a good way of reducing those pent up emotions.

    When are you actually due to get your results this week?

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Offline in reply to Kwoody

    Hi Kwoody

    So sorry to hear of you diagnosis, I really appreciate you reaching out, even though I have a really good support network they don't really understand, I am looking on the positive side I am a half glass full kind of person  anyway so hopefully that will help 


  • Hello lovely 

    the wait is awful 

    I hope you get good news 

    all the best love Lara xx 

  • Hi Jolamine

    I get my results on Wednesday sounds daft but I can't cry I think its because if I do i won't stop,  there is a 50% chance I will be ok so I am focusing on that 50% for now.

