CA125 - salpingo-oophorectomy

Hello everyone,

I had a salpingo oophorectomy (unilateral) 5 years ago after a 12cm tumour was found in my right ovary. 

As I started having the same symptoms that led to surgery, the GP referred me for a check of  the CA125 which came back 39 and a pelvic scan that came back clear.

The GP told me that she can’t understand why the CA125 is slightly raised, she said “maybe inflammation from surgery never went away”. 
Anyone experienced anything similar?

I am of course very relieved that the scan came back clear and that CA125 is not very high but still I am worried because of what the  GP said and that the level is not within the normal range.

Thank you x


  • Hello Willow79

    I'm sorry to hear that you've had some health concerns recently that were similar to the symptoms you had when an ovarian tumour was found 5 years ago. It's understandable that you've been feeling anxious about this. 

    It's good to hear that your scan didn't raise any immediate cause for concern and that although your CA125 level is raised it is only slightly outside the normal range. 

    There are a number of things that can cause a CA125 result to be raised so try not to worry too much about this at the moment. Hopefully your GP has suggested other options to try and improve the symptoms that you've been experiencing recently. 

    If there's anything you want to discuss with our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    I do hope that things settle for you soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • I had that surgery and it turned out that the dermoid wasn't cancer. I've had CA 125 levels over 100 even with no cyst, just during a period. Lots of things can slightly elevate it. I hope you stay cancer free but if you are suffering symptoms the GP should really be offering a second blood test to monitor whether it's risen or fallen. I was told that as an indicator ca125 is more valuable to monitor a condition over time rather than as a diagnostic marker in itself. I had MRIs and CT scans and all sorts when they thought I had ovarian cancer and when my CA 125  was that high they were concerned that they'd missed something so did another MRI. I've not even got a slight endometriosis, my CA 125 was down in normal range after a second blood test. I think the fact they couldn't see anything on your remaining ovary is comforting but I would just chase that second blood test to rest your mind.

  • Thank you so much all for your kind reply.

    I got worried as the GP said that she really doesn’t know why the CA125 is slightly higher than normal and that I might still have an inflammation from the surgery (which was in 2019!). 

    I will try to get a second opinion. I have been told that they won’t request any further test as what has been done was thorough enough. The GP suggested that the symptoms could also be related to peri-menopause, in which case their advice has been that I just have to go through it for few years and take care of myself…