No symptoms


I had a mammogram on 5/9/24 through a local cancer charity that offers mammogram to people between 40&50. I just decided to go and get one because I'm coming to the age where, my aunt and older generations in my family have had breast cancer.

I have no symptoms and had no concerns. I got a letter back saying that I need further investigation done at a specialist breast clinic. The referral has been made.

I don't know if I have a lump or a shadow or what has shown up on the mammogram. No one can tell me and I need to wait for my appointment then someone will explain to me.

I am absolutely terrified I have young child, older child and my husband is disabled.

I don't really know why I'm posting, I feel so alone and scared. Has anyone else had no symptoms and been told they have breast cancer.

Thank you for reading and listening x

  • Hi sorry to jump on your comment,but I was just wondering where your lump was. I have just had my 3 biopsies and litually terrified for my results,which I don't get until 23rd Jan. Also how long were you in hospital for,just I live alone with my 3 children. Thank you Suzanne 

  • Hi Cjmummy,

    I am glad to hear that your lumpectomy is now behind you and I hope that you are recovering well. You must have been very disappointed to discover that there were the cancer was in some of your lymph nodes, but you're just as well to discover this early on.

    Did they say why they are going to remove more breast tissue at the same time, as they remove the rest of your lymph nodes - was it because they didn't achieve a clear margin last time?

    I shall be thinking of you on 9th January and I hope that it all goes well this time.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Suzanne,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear that you are so worried about your results. Waiting for results is one of the most anxious times of our cancer journey and we find our emotions all over the place.  Unfortunately, it sounds as if you've had a longer wait than most, as a result of the Christmas holidays. Looking after 3 children on your own, must be difficult and I am sure that you'll need to plan well ahead for surgery. 

    The length of time we spend in hospital varies from hospital to hospital. It can also depend on the type of breast cancer you have, or the type of operation that they need to do. Make sure to ask your surgeon or breast care nurse all about the procedure and how long it takes in your area. Many are discharged on the same day now, but, when I had my lumpectomy 15 years ago, I was in hospital for 3 days. When I had a double mastectomy the following year, I was kept in for 5 days.

    I sincerely hope that your results turn out to be favourable. Please keep in touch and let us know  how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine 

    My surgery was brought forward to the 2/1/25. I'm just over 1 week post operation.

    They removed the lymph nodes and more breast tissue because they weren't happy with the margin as they found pre cancerous cells. So hopefully this time things will be clear. 

    There is no results back yet. My consultant has told me chemo, radiotherapy and hormone therapy is most likely the route he is recommending.

    Cjmummy x

  • Hi Suzanne 73

    Sorry for the late reply.

    My lump (2cm) was in my right breast very deep in and couldn't be felt, it was discovered by pure chance when, I decided to go for a mammogram with action cancer.

    I was terrified at first but I just had a gut feeling I had breast cancer before I was told. I had 3 biopsies done and scanned under my arm and armpit. Nothing was found in this scan.

    I got told that I had breast cancer on 24/10/24, unfortunately mine was fast growing. The plan was lumpectomy then radiotherapy. I got my lumpectomy done on 29/11/24. This was done as a day procedure. I went in early morning and home at 6pm.

    Unfortunately when my results came back 3 out out the 4 lymph nodes removed had cancer cells and the breast tissue margin had pre cancerous cells. So I had to have more surgery.

    My surgery was done on 2/1/25 this time all my lymph nodes were removed and they took more breast tissue. I was in hospital overnight as I had a drain put in.

    I have no results back yet. My consultant has said he will probably go down the route of me having chemo, radiotherapy and hormone tablet's.

    Sorry for the long post. I am a mum of 2 children and know how scary this journey is. I wish you well for your results. 

    Feel free to connect with me.

    Cjmummy x

  • Hi Cjmummy,

    I am just wondering how you are feeling - are you a little sore under your arm, where the lymph nodes were removed from? I hope that your recovery is going well.

    I don't know whether or not you've noticed yet, but I have accepted your friend request.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine 

    I'm doing good, I'm a little tender under my arm and in my arm pitt, also inside my breasts, where they shaved mire breast tissue off. They went back through my previous wound from the first surgery.

    I'm doing my exercises at least 3 times a day, I find the excises really helps reduce the pain. I'm not having to relay on painkillers now.

    Thank you for accepting my friend request, i just would like to have people who understand and aren't part of my support circle.

    I'm very lucky and people are very good but I feel  lonely at times, because they don't understand and I hope they never understand this journey.

    I'm not going to lie chemo scares me it's the physical changes losing your hair etc it's more for my children sake.

    Hooe you are keeping well.

    Cjmummy x

  • Sorry for late reply,my head has litually been a mess,I have had a second meeting ,and now have to go and an oncologist and discuss what chemo they are giving me. An then they said I can decide what why I have my treatment,if I have chemo first it's more intense,but I am having a genes test for the bracken gene,and if I have that they said I may have to have both breasts off,which terrifies me. So if I have surgery first then chemo I might have to have a second surgery as results take 6 weeks. So my head is battered which way to do it. As for chemo am the same the fact of losing my hair is so scary,along with all those needles and stuff as I have a huge fear of them. So the next 9 months are looking so tough right now,even though I know it's all for the best. Hope your feeling alot better from your surgery,such a rough time for us all, stay strong and tak great care of yourselves love Suzanne x

  • Hi Cjmummy,

    It is always a bit more tender, when they have to do a second surgery, so soon after the first. I also found that my underarm was more tender, when they took the lymph nodes away. It's good to hear that you are managing your exercises regularly, as this helps to get rid of the pain. This may be why you're not relying on painkillers now?

    The thought of chemo scares most of us, but it's there to serve a valuable purpose. What ages are your children? I'm sure that, with a little pre-planning, you could avoid your hair loss being too scary. Many shave their head in advance of treatment - could you involve them in this? You could explain that your treatment has to get to your scalp, which is easier without having to get through your hair. You could involve them in choosing a wig, which, no doubt, they will want to try on. This can be a fun event for them, even if not for you. Your hair will soon grow back. Remember that this treatment is all to give you extra time with your children, in the long run.

    No matter how supportive our family and friends try to be, this is still a lonely journey, when they don't fully understand what we are going through. This is what makes a forum, like this, so helpful, as nearly everyone has had, or has been afflicted by cancer in some way or another and they fully appreciate your concerns. I am always here, any time you want to chat.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx