Help me please

Hi Im 20 years old and at the end of June i noticed a small pea sized lump behind my ear i thought nothing of it until i fainted went to A&E and my blood platelets were 49! They went back up after a week but i still felt awful and dizzy and id started getting big bruises everywhere for no reason, night sweats, itchy skin, i literally cannot drink alcohol anymore it makes me feel awful I get sore neck legs and feel sick, Ive experienced unexplained weight loss in a short amount of time, and now i have about 10 lumps on my neck, i had an ultrasound and it came back with all my lumps under 2cm but maybe lymphoma, then i had to have a Ct scan and it came back as swollen lymph nodes but none of significant size, now ive tried to explain my symptoms but no one seems interested, they just keep telling me to wait for them to get bigger because it may be due to infection, ive had my infection markers checked about 8 time snow literally no signs of infection, and i havent been “unwell” ive never had swollen bodes from infection before either, they arent going away and very slowly getting bigger theyve been here for about 3 months now but keep being told wait for them to go away,

i now have lumps on my breast and in my groin, i have a gut feeling something is up but i dont feel listened to

had an ENT appointment and i was told to wait til they are 2cm for a biopsy

  • Hello rw2003,

    I'm sorry to hear about your symptoms and can understand you're worried. Swelling can occur for all sorts of reasons, but you did the right thing in going to see the doctor. Do keep them updated on any changes to your symptoms and I hope you are able to get to the bottom of it soon. If you are unhappy with the way you are being looked after by your current doctor you may want to consider a second opinion, you can find out more about getting a second opinion on our website.

    Best wishes,

    Moderator Anastasia