Post menopausal bleeding: what to expect from gynaecology appointment

Hi, I have an appointment with gynaecology on Monday a week to the day of bring referred because of post menopausal bleeding and painful intercourse. I also have been getting cramps in my lower side and back. What I was wondering is what to expect from this appointment 

  • Hello Angelhuni75, 

    It's good that things moved so fast and you were able to have your appointment with gynaecology within a week of being referred - it's important to investigate what caused this post menopausal bleeding and painful intercourse and also why you have been getting these cramps in your lower side and back. 

    It's hard to know exactly what will happen at your appointment but the specialist will evaluate your symptoms and decide what further tests (if any) are required. Our cancer nurses will be happy to tell you more about what to expect from this gynaecology appointment so don't hesitate to give them a call on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    I hope that you will hear from other members of our community who have dealt with similar symptoms before and were referred to gynaecology - I hope you won't mind but I have edited your title slightly to make it easier for others who've been through something similar to spot your thread and share their experience with you.

    Good luck with your appointment  - I hope it all goes well and that you find out more soon! 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator