As a follow up from my recent scare I'm now ten days out from when my biopsy was taken.
I've never had a biopsy before so I have no idea what is normal. The good thing was I got the clear from the biopsy I have duct estasia apparently however my question is about the biopsy itself.
It's been ten days I'm still bruised and have some pain the area too. There is also quite a large painful lump just south of where they inserted the biopsy right on the edge of my nipple. (It's not the original lump I went in for at that was at off to one side in the upper middle area of my breast and that seems to have now all but subsided they got at the lump at an angle as it was in deep breast tissue so biopsy hole is off the left of the original lump.)
Is this ruddy big lump normal for a biopsy or should I be calling the doctors tomorrow?
No heat, redness or discharge. Just bruise big lump and pain around the lump.
Just hoping they haven't caused a bigger problem than I went in for.