Mole biopsy results

Good evening people just wanted to pick your brains as I am exhausting my own with thinking or over thinking about this.

I had a mole biopsy four weeks ago. I have still not received the results which I was kind of expecting it to be a wait to receive them so am not surprised at that but on my nhs app in consultation and events it says doc man (mr) results but doesn’t show any further details. I have phoned my gp surgery but they say the results aren’t back yet. Am just wondering if anyone knows what this means and should it be worrying me as it is a little.

Thankyou x

  • Hi,

    I've never seen such an entry on the NHS app so I don't know what it means. However, I highly doubt the results would be downloaded on to the app before they've been discussed at the weekly Multi Disciplinary Team Meeting (MDT) where all results, whether clear or positive, are discussed. The patient doesn't get the results until after the meeting & neither does the GP.

    The wait for results varies across the UK but the average time is currently 6 to 8 weeks I'm afraid. For peace of mind you could phone the secretary at Dermatology and ask if the results are back yet, explaining the entry on the app has worried you. They should be able to give you some indication as to how much longer you will be waiting. Good luck and please let us know how you get on,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)

  • Thankyou for your reply  yes I’ll give the secretary a ring on Monday to see if she can give me any info. Thankyou I will keep you updated  xx