Does anyone have any information about Skin cancer?


dies anyone have any information about skin cancer I have red lump with a white centre on my left arm.

It looked like a spot 6 weeks ago but now is over 1 cm and no signs of it reducing.

I have been feeling extremely tired for past few weeks and am now very worried that the fatigue is linked to the lump.

It does not look like a melanoma.I am seeing my Dr tomorrow.

Thank you for any information.

  • Hello Mar-ian, 

    How did your appointment with the doctor go yesterday? I think you did well to show this to your doctor after you noticed this red lump with a white centre on your left arm especially if you feel it has grown in size and is not showing signs of reducing. The doctor will be in the best position to tell you what it might be and to tell you whether this fatigue you have been experiencing could be linked in any way. I hope that your doctor has been able to give you some reassurance.

    You mentioned you wanted to find out more information about skin cancer and I thought I would share with you our page on skin cancer which I hope will help you learn more about skin cancer. 

    I hope that it all turns out to be nothing of concern and that this red lump goes away soon. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you Lucie.I have been referred to my local hospital, hopefully within 2 weeks.

    Unfortunately along with the spot on my arm I have developed reddening to both my cheeks.It has been happening since the spot  erupted. It is getting to be a few times a day .I am seeing my GP about this on Wednesday.Another thing to worry about. 

    Many thanks for your reply.