Dimple on breast

Hi everyone,

I have a dimple on my right breast, but it's not how I thought a dimple would look. To look at it in the mirror it looks like someone has poked me with a pencil left that impression there (if that makes sense) when I look down the area around it has sunk to maybe about 2/3 cm but it isn't so noticeable to anyone else. My husband can only see the sunken area if I apply a slight pressure to my breast. This has been there for a few months now, but I also found a small hard lump close to my armpit this week, so im a little more concerned. 

I had cervical cancer a few years ago, I have hashimotos disease and other health conditions so I do already get seen in my doctors more often than I would like and that's made me a little reluctant to phone them if it's nothing. 

Everything I've read or seen about dimples in the breast look nothing like mine so I'm unsure what to think.  Has anyone had anything similar, a dimple that doesn't look the way they thought it would? 


  • Hello Jen6587

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently had some concerns about dimpling in your breast. I can understand that you may not want to go to the doctors but we would always reccomend that any one who notices a change in their breast or has concerns about their breast health sees their GP. 

    Hopefully your Dr will be able to give you some reassurance when you see them but if they feel further investigation is necessary they can arrange for you to attend the local breast clinic. 

    If you'd like to talk things through with one of our nurses you can call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi Jen,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear that you've had cervical cancer and are now faced with an additional worry about your breast. As our moderator, Jenn, has said, we are always advised to get any breast changes investigated - you won't be wasting anyone's time. It is important to catch any cancer as early as possible. Please contact your GP first thing on Monday morning. If they feel that there is the slightest chance that anything could be amiss, you should be referred to the breast clinic within 2 weeks. Having said this, only 20% of people who attend the breast clinic will receive a cancer diagnosis, so you may still be fine. You are just as well to get this seen to, to prevent you from worrying about it.

    I sincerely hope that nothing untoward is found. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx