Swollen lymph nodes for 1 year and now this....

Hi, a year ago I found a swollen lymph node in my neck. It's small, tender when you press on it and hasn't really grown or changed much. I just find it a bit weird that it still hasn't gone down after a year. I don't know whether that's normal or not, so I went back to the GP and they said it was fine and told me to book another appointment if anything changes. I woke up this morning and all of a sudden, I felt a slight pain in my chest and I also felt really faint and dizzy. I suddenly slumped onto my sofa because I needed to sit down and I was terrified because I've never experienced that before.

I feel much better now as I relaxed in bed for a while and had a cup of tea but I've been googling all my symptoms and the results kept saying Leukemia and Lymphoma and now my health anxiety is through the roof(literally crying as I type this). I'm going to book an appointment with my GP tomorrow but part of me is too scared to go in case the feedback is bad. I'm just really scared right now and I just want some advice on what to do!

For context I'm 20f.

  • Hi Ellz and welcome to the forum.

    I was just reading through your post and wanted to let you know how sorry I am to hear what happened to you when you woke up the other morning. It must have been very scary when this happened but I'm glad relaxing in bed and having a cup of tea helped you calm down.

    Booking an appointment with your GP is a very good idea Ellz, and I hope you managed to get one. I know it's tough, but please do go to your appointment as your doctor will do all they can to address your concerns and work with you to find out the cause of your symptoms.

    I hope some of our members will be along soon to offer their support and advice.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Yes that was me also I've been goggling my symptoms and it came up all bad and I burst into tears, I had a ct scan last Wednesday and I'm hoping nobody will ring me this week, I was fine Friday Saturday as I know the hospital won't ring on a weekend, it's terrifying

  • Hey I joined when I saw your post. My husband has had exactly this. He’s had scans, bloods etc and all come back fine after the first 6 months. His health anxiety subsided for a while (still swollen) but after getting poorly recently his lymph nodes had swollen straight back up. He was dismissed by his gp and was having panic attacks etc. He woke up and decided enough was enough and admitted himself to A&E! The doctors there were very reassuring and did lots of tests all came back normal again. He feels abit better today but it’s still a struggle and constantly looking for new things to test for. We are no further along but just wanted to say we are in the same boat and always push for answers.